Monday, October 17, 2011

blog #6

              The topic of operating systems came up during a lecture and it made me wonder, whether or not it is a physical part of the phone internally or have an external part that would connect onto a phone or any other electronic device that would need a separate wire to charge it. Which as I said has got me thinking about if it were real would I make it available to all phones? Or sell it to a specific brand. Apple iOS or Android? Or even other mobile operating systems. Would it be an application on the itunes store? Would it be on the android market both? If it were only available to certain phone users what would happen I wonder. What would happen if I made it available to everyone.
               I think operating systems is a very important topic when it comes to phone because a lot of people out there have their preferences and prefer certain things over the other. There are people out there who like Apple iOS over the Android and vice versa. So how would I be able to decide? How would I approach the idea of people's preferences and what people prefer. This can go back to using social media to conduct surveys to get peoples opinions on who would use it on what more. People are attracted to the look and feel of something if the user interface has a good appeal and easy to use I feel as if that is what would get the customer.
             I think operating systems would be a big part in marketing and generating any product in general. If I were to actually make my product this would be a very big topic I would have to think about. Personally I like the android os. So I would have to think about other peoples thought and what they want and not just what I want to put out there. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be but going through the thought process is very interesting. 

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